Geology and environment


With the change in social awareness and the tightening of environmental legislation, work connected with the survey of polluted areas (environmental burdens, environmental damage) and their remediation has become an important area of ENVIGEO’s commercial activities. We have long-term experience in this field and we are able to provide comprehensive services – expert advice, design and implementation of geological tasks, including risk analysis, remediation design and implementation.

The contaminated area survey precedes the decision-making process on the need for remediation as shown in the following diagram.

If the survey of polluted area (most often environmental burden) shows the presence of serious pollution, a risk analysis is necessary to elaborate here on the basis of which the need and extent of remediation will be decided. If the reported risk exceeds an acceptable level, a remediation is required.

The basis for quality and fast service in the survey of polluted territory is good technical equipment and professional competence of the task solvers. In Slovakia, ENVIGEO has modern technical equipment designed specifically for the survey of polluted areas. Company employees have many years of experience in carrying out surveys, risk analyzes and remediation from many successfully realized projects.


  • Geological survey of the environment at all phases
    • preliminary survey
    • detailed survey
    • additional survey
  • Risk analysis of polluted territory

Survey and remediation of environmental burdens financed by public funds – REFERENCES

Radovan MASIAR, M.A.

head of contaminated sites department

tel.: +421 (48) 471 24 40
mobile: +421 902 959 301

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    Spoločnosť ENVIGEO svoju činnosť zamerala predovšetkým na geologické práce a práce v oblasti životného prostredia. Dcérske spoločnosti ENVISTAV, s.r.o., ENVITAZ, s.r.o. a ENVIGIS, s.r.o. ako dôsledok rozširovania aktivít firmy do oblastí environmentálnych stavieb, ťažby a spracovania nerastných surovín a geografických informačných systémov (GIS). Rozšírenie činnosti o vrtné práce viedlo v roku 2001 k vzniku oddelenia technických prác ENVITEC.


    Kynceľovská cesta 2/8, 974 11 Banská Bystrica


    +421 48 471 24 37