Geology and environment


Remediation of the environmental burden means work carried out in the rock environment, groundwater and soil, the aim of which is to eliminate, reduce or constrain pollution to an acceptable level of risk with regard to current and future land use (Section 3 of the Geological Act No. 569/2007 Coll.).

Implementation of the remediation is based on the remediation project, which takes into account the recommendations of the risk analysis as well as feasibility studies in more complex remediation. The remediation targets are set by target values, which are the levels of pollutants in the natural environment that need to be achieved by remediation technologies to reduce the risk of existing contamination to an acceptable level.

The effectiveness of the remediation is evidenced by post-remediation survey or by monitoring selected indicators, the most common groundwater quality.

ENVIGEO has the expertise and technical capacity to carry out demanding redevelopment projects in difficult geological conditions. In the use of innovative technologies, ENVIGEO is at the forefront among Slovak suppliers, as evidenced by the award of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic for the 2008 Innovative Action in the category of “Technology Innovation” for the system of application of active substances in combined in-situ remediation of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated industrial solvents by chemical oxidation and biotic reductive dechlorination.

Remediation of the environmental burden in the area of the former galvanizing plant – LO BB in Banská Bystrica (2021 – 2023)
Remediation of the environmental burden in the area of the city barracks – car park in Michalovce (2019 – 2023)
Remediation of the environmental burden in the area of the former locomotive depot in Púchov (2018 – 2023)
Remediation of the environmental burden in the area of the former locomotive depot in Spišská Nová Ves (2018 – 2023)
Remediation of DETOX Rimavská Sobota site (2007 – 2008)
Remediation of TESLA Piešťany site (2004 – 2008)


  • Remediation project
  • Realization of remediation works
    • ex-situ remediation
    • remediation pumping and cleaning
    • in-situ remediation (in-situ chemical oxidation – ISCO, biotic reductive dechlorination, supported natural attenuation, washing out, venting and air-sparging, biotransformation…)
  • Establishment and operation of a remediation efficiency monitoring system / Post-remediation monitoring

Survey and remediation of environmental burdens financed by public funds – REFERENCES

Jaroslav SCHWARZ, M.A.

director of ENVIGEO Division

tel.: +421 (48) 471 24 39
mobile: +421 902 959 313

Radovan MASIAR, M.A.

head of contaminated sites department

tel.: +421 (48) 471 24 40
mobile: +421 902 959 303

Switch The Language

    Spoločnosť ENVIGEO svoju činnosť zamerala predovšetkým na geologické práce a práce v oblasti životného prostredia. Dcérske spoločnosti ENVISTAV, s.r.o., ENVITAZ, s.r.o. a ENVIGIS, s.r.o. ako dôsledok rozširovania aktivít firmy do oblastí environmentálnych stavieb, ťažby a spracovania nerastných surovín a geografických informačných systémov (GIS). Rozšírenie činnosti o vrtné práce viedlo v roku 2001 k vzniku oddelenia technických prác ENVITEC.


    Kynceľovská cesta 2/8, 974 11 Banská Bystrica


    +421 48 471 24 37