ENVIGEO is one of the leading environmental consultants and entities providing a wide range of environmental and geological services.

Economic geology

ENVIGEO offers comprehensive service in the research and exploration of mineral deposits, including environmental advice in mining practice.

Engineering geology

ENVIGEO provides a wide range of services in engineering geology, from standard assessments and surveys for construction of building of various categories to solving special engineering-geological and geotechnical problems.


ENVIGEO employs professionals – hydrogeologists who are professionally competent and experienced in designing, managing and evaluating hydrogeological tasks of local and regional nature.

Environmental geology

Environmental geology integrates the requirements and practices of classical geology with the requirements for the protection and creation of the environment, especially its abiotic component.

Risk analysis

A part of the geological survey of the environment in the detection of serious pollution is also the assessment of the risk of human health and the environment from pollution caused by human activity – in short the risk analysis.

Contaminated sites assessment

We have long-term experience in this field and we are able to provide comprehensive services – expert advice, design and implementation of geological tasks, including risk analysis, remediation design and implementation.

Remediation of environmental burdens

Remediation of the environmental burden means work carried out in the rock environment, groundwater and soil, the aim of which is to eliminate, reduce or constrain pollution to an acceptable level of risk…

Remediation of slope deformations

ENVIGEO has proven its ability to respond quickly and professionally to emergency situations, which, thanks to the synthetic interconnection of organizational units, handles in a short time and at the necessary professional level…

Switch The Language

    Spoločnosť ENVIGEO svoju činnosť zamerala predovšetkým na geologické práce a práce v oblasti životného prostredia. Dcérske spoločnosti ENVISTAV, s.r.o., ENVITAZ, s.r.o. a ENVIGIS, s.r.o. ako dôsledok rozširovania aktivít firmy do oblastí environmentálnych stavieb, ťažby a spracovania nerastných surovín a geografických informačných systémov (GIS). Rozšírenie činnosti o vrtné práce viedlo v roku 2001 k vzniku oddelenia technických prác ENVITEC.


    Kynceľovská cesta 2/8, 974 11 Banská Bystrica


    +421 48 471 24 37